Monday, September 13, 2010

From the mouth of my Babe (er…Wife)

I came home from work last night and asked my wife what she thought the most important item to do was when placing a home on the market. My wife is a nurse by profession but right now she is caring for me and our three young children. She has no real estate experience. The first thing on her list was to verify ownership. I thought that was really a good idea so I quickly made a mental note! Then she said she would measure the house to make sure of the size.

The size of a home is important!  Many times the value is based on the heated square footage of the house.

So what should every buyer do? Have someone measure the house or make the seller verify the size before the buyer closes. Most of the time, it costs less than $75 to have this accomplished.

As a seller, adding a scan of the floorplans to the MLS listing might give an extra thought to a buyer looking at Albuquerque homes for sale.

My wife is really smart, good looking, and I really hope she reads this……
Selling real estate in Albuquerque is great!
I love my job!
Posted by Tim :-)

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