Hi! It seems
Albuquerque Foreclosures are on the move. The Brokers at the Albuquerque Real Estate Group were recently informed that rate of foreclosure activity was up 180% in the month of November. Now that is not the number of people actually in foreclosure, but includes all people that are late in their payments.
So, is this an indication of increased foreclosure activity? Who knows? But what it does highlight is the fact that there is still way too much financial pressure on Albuquerque families.
Many owners that are delinquent on the mortgage payments, or soon will be delinquent, simply do not know who to call to find the proper procedures for selling their homes. Some believe that simply ignoring the issue is acceptable and the bank then will foreclose on their home and it will be done. Is this the wise way to handle this situation? No!
If you, or anyone you know is facing the possibility of foreclosure, whether you need to move a
Sandia Heights homes for sale or
Downtown Albuquerque condos for sale, call an agent or company that has taken a positive stance toward foreclosure. An agent that is certified to handle short sales would be a very good tool! Each mortgage company handles short sales differently. But there are some guidelines to get you through the maze. We would love to help. At the Albuquerque Real Estate Group we are all certified in the sale of distressed properties.
Please feel confident to contact me at Tim@TimFish.com . I can offer you options! I want to help!
by Tim Fish